DBR IT Outsourcing RFP


As organizations continue to embrace the use of third party providers to supply non-core IT functional support, there are two separate points of view in the approach to issuing an RFP. In some organizations, the effort is a routine procurement activity, one in which IT is viewed as a commodity. In others, there is recognition of the key role that outsourced services play in pursuing critical business objectives and the importance of outsourcing in providing competitive advantage in the future.

Your need:
The RFP is more than an articulation of the buying criteria you develop based on an assessment of needs. For whoever is selected, it should also provide critical insight into your current state, objectives, priorities, and vision of the future. Whether you view IT as a commodity or as a strategic resource, the RFP also presents an opportunity for you to gain insight from prospective providers. In addition to showcasing their solution and differentiating themselves from their competitors, vendors can provide you with insights about new technologies and areas for improvement about which you may otherwise be unaware.

How DBR can help: DBR’s RFP process is a balance between structure, discipline and purpose against a backdrop of relationship-building and transparency. Our experience in all facets of the RFP process ensures that your requirements are fully developed and ably communicated. Our technical expertise ensures that the capabilities of vendors are fully utilized. In short, like all wise agreements, DBR’s RFP process enables both parties to efficiently get the most productive outcome possible.

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IT Outsourcing
DBR experts will make sure everything about your outsourcing governance, RFP, contract finalization and transition services run smoothly.
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Reduce risk and avoid loss by having DBR advise you on hardware and software procurement.
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The challenges of virtualization, consolidation and standardization become manageable with DBR expertise.
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